Recommended Fees
The APS National Schedule of Recommended Fees 2024-2025 has the standard 46 to 60-minute consultation fee at $311. This is a recommendation only. The fee at which a service is set is at the discretion of the individual psychologist.
Fee Policy
For a standard 50 minute session, Cor Studio charges a fee of:
$200 for private clients
$222.99 for NDIS clients
These fees are subject to annual review. Consultation fees cover the cost of preparation and planning as well as formulation and note taking.
Payment Procedure
Cor Studio is unable to Bulk Bill sessions, payment is due at the time of consultation.
Cancellation Policy
Cor Studio requires 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, so that the session time can be offered to another client. If you cancel or do not attend your appointment without providing this notice, you will be charged a fee.
Please be aware that rebates through Medicare or private health insurance are not available for cancelled or unattended appointments. You will receive a reminder via email 3 days prior to your session.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Cor Studio is able to support self-managed and plan-managed NDIS participants. However, as an unregistered provider, Cor Studio is unable to provide services to NDIA-managed participants. If you are a self-managed client, you are required to pay for services at the time of consultation. A payment receipt can then be submitted to NDIS for reimbursement. This is the responsibility of the client.
This year the rebate per session has been set by NDIS at: (from 1 July 2024) Generally Registered Psychologist: $222.99 per hour for psychological services.
Medicare Better Access Program
Cor Studio will soon be able to provide counselling under the Medicare Better Access Program. You may be able to access a Mental Health Care Plan referral from your General Practitioner (GP), enabling you to receive a Medicare rebate. You and your GP can work together to decide whether you are eligible for this type of plan. The Medicare rebate is available for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.
This year the rebate per session has been set by Medicare at: (from 1 July 2024) Generally Registered Psychologist: $96.65 per hour.
Chronic Disease Management Plan
Also known as Enhanced Primary Care Plan, you may be able to access a CDMP referral from your GP if you suffer a chronic medical condition. This allows you to have up to 5 sessions per calendar year with an allied health professional (a Psychologist).
This year the rebate per session has been set by Medicare at: (from 1 July 2024) Generally Registered Psychologist: $60.35 per hour.
Private Health Cover
Client’s may be eligible for rebates on counselling sessions at Cor Studio. However, we cannot guarantee this as this is dependent on your selected provider and level of cover. We encourage you to check directly with your private health providers on your eligibility.